
About Petroly

Who we are

Petroly Company was launched in 1976 AD and has been and is still renewing its services according to an ambitious and original vision in harmony with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 with complete confidence, to be the leader and leader in providing petroleum, transportation and retail services at the level of the Kingdom and the Arabian Gulf. It includes vehicle service centres with high-quality specifications and standards, comprehensive security and safety levels, and environmental preservation, and is on the path to developing social responsibility activities based on the values ​​of authenticity, credibility, and community development.

Petroly Company was launched in 1976 AD and has been and is still renewing its services according to an ambitious and original vision in harmony with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 with complete confidence, to be the leader and leader in providing petroleum, transportation and retail services at the level of the Kingdom and the Arabian Gulf. It includes vehicle service centres with high-quality specifications and standards, comprehensive security and safety levels, and environmental preservation, and is on the path to developing social responsibility activities based on the values ​​of authenticity, credibility, and community development.

Our value

We derive our values ​​from our true religion and from the various principles upon which we were raised under the shadow of our beloved country, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  • Integrity and transparency
  • Innovation and innovation
  • Commitment to Quality
  • Teamwork
  • The Preservation of the Environment

Our Services

Fueling your journey with top-notch service, our petrol stations redefine excellence on the road. From swift refuels to a warm welcome, we ensure every stop is a seamless experience.

Petroleum stations

Petroleum stations

We have allocated the most skilled and experienced employees and the strongest and most famous equipment to petrol stations. All of this is just for the sake of achieving the satisfaction of our custo...
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Petroleum transportations

Petroleum transportations

At Petroly Company, we work to provide the best petroleum services, transportation and rest services, which will achieve safety, security and trust for our customers. We benefit from this from the hig...
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Promo mart markets

Promo mart markets

We provide our customers with shops at the highest level of organization and equipment, where we work to provide the best products and quick services for the benefit of our customers and their compani...
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140+ Petrol Station
136+ Trucks and Trailers
24/7 Days Open In a Week

Our Vision and Mission


Leadership in providing innovative service and advanced systems at gas stations locally

Our mission

Insisting on continuous development in providing innovative, diverse, integrated services and added values, achieving sustainable development of communities and customer confidence by providing a package of petroleum services, vehicle service centers and retail facilities, in accordance with the highest standards of quality, security, safety, health and environment. By localizing professional competencies within a robust and effective institutional work system within the framework of balanced strategic partnerships.



Locate on Maps

Find our Stations

Our Station

( ST-001)

HPXM+W8X, 7332 Al Bathaa, 3432, Manfuhah, 3432, Riyadh 12683

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-002)

7459 طريق الخرج الفرعي, An Noor, Riyadh 14321

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-003)

RJP6+35R, King Fahd Rd، jj, Riyadh 13531

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-005)

Al Aarid, حي, 6253 طريق الملك فهد، العارض، الرياض 13351 3429،،, Riyadh 13351

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-006)

WHR4+FM6, 65, Al Aarid, Riyadh 13361

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-009)

5010 Prince Sultan Road, Al Danah Ash Shamaliyah, 6396, Dhahran 34258

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-010)

75HP+MVF, Al-Thuqbah, Al Khobar 34623

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-011)

C3JW+8G7, 18th Street, Al Badiyah, Dammam 32243

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-012)

Ash Sharafiyah, MM5F+7Q5، الجوهرة بنت ابن معمر، حي الناصرية،, Riyadh 12724

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( PST-016)

QVPJ+99W, An Nadwah, الندوة،، Riyadh 14813،

+966 920004611 LOCATE


Dammam Rd, Al Janadriyyah, Riyadh 13811

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-018)

PRVG+P6M, An Nasim Ash Sharqi، شارع حسان بن ثابت، حي النسيم،, Riyadh 14241

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-020)

8JP7+5FP, King Abdullah Rd, Al Mazrooa, Al Hofuf 36362

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-021)

25CH+2MV, Riyadh 13852

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-022)

2724 ابو عبد الرحمن بن عقيل، 6787, Al Khuzama, Al Khobar 34719

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-023)

6934 20أ، حي الفيصلية، الدمام 32272 3972،

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-024)

EDSB6613، 6613 17أ، 3803، حي طيبة, Dammam 32273

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-025)

9050 Umar Ibn Al Khattab, Uhud, Dammam 32264

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-027)

9PV5+FCW، خميس مشيط 62489

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-028)

روابي ظهران, 205, Almandaq 65581

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-029)

حي, 6243 محمد رشيد رضا، الدار البيضاء، الرياض 14518 3021،

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-031)

RFJA7209، 7209 وادي الرمه، 3185، حي القادسية، الرياض 13261, Riyadh 11675

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-032)

67W5+3P7, King Faisal Rd, Shaqra 15518،

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-033)

3107 King Abdulaziz Rd, An Nawah, Yanbu 46456

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-034)

Al Kulabiyah, 3161، Al Hufuf and Al Mubarraz 36349

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-035)

3297 Nortern Ring Br Rd, Almasiaf, Riyadh 12468

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-036)

7830، 5095, Agricutural Land، مناطق زراعية الهفوف والمبرز, Al Hufuf and Al Mubarraz 36347

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-037)

CJJF+V86, Al Shara Al Junubi, Al Battaliyah 36344

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-038)

FHGA5069, 5069 King Abdullah Rd, 8846, Al Sulimaniyah 4th, Al Hofuf 36444

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-039)

4949, Naajan

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-040)

طريق مكة المدينة, Makkah 24419

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-041)

Al Faisaliyah, Dammam 32272

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-042)

بن عبد العزيز، KUDA9356، 9356 4050 طريق الملك فيصل, Umluj 48322

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-043)

8714 Al Urubah Branch Rd, Umm Al Hamam Al Gharbi, 3307، Riyadh 12328

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-044)

MPF5+F76, Prince Abdulrahman Bin Abdulaziz St, Al Wizarat, Riyadh 12626

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-045)

MPV6+89Q, As Sulimaniyah, Riyadh 12232

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-046)

Alyasmin, Riyadh 13322

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-047)

4739 ملهم 125، LHPA9184، 9184، دقلة 15461

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-048)

RMXJ+JVP, An Narjis, Riyadh 13328

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-049)

4657 محمد بن اسماعيل الصنفاني, Al Khaleej, 7925, Riyadh 13224

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-050)

6697 Abi Al Aswad Al Douli, An Nasim Ash Sharqi, Riyadh 14242

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-051)

PRGM+96J An Nasim Al Gharbi, Riyadh

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-052)

3293 الشرف، 8964، حي الندوة، الرياض 14814،

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-053)

Al Anwar, Dammam 32312

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-054)

4066 طريق الامام سعود بن فيصل، الصحافة، الرياض 13321 6640،

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-055)

Al Malqa، 7438 وادي وج، حي 3388, Riyadh 13524

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-056)

9X46+V54, Al Fursan, Dammam 32333

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-057)

85, Hafar Al Batin 39970

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-058)

شارع اسطنبول, 65, Riyadh 13361

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-059)

6319 الثامن والعشرون، الخليج، 3977, Dammam 32425

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-060)

PMQM+GQX، شارع الملك عبد العزيز, Al Mursalat, Riyadh 12461

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-062)

7563 3045, Saudi Arabia, Buraydah 52583

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-064)

5FV5+V8 Alkwifriah

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-065)

2742 الأمير مشعل بن عبدالعزيز، عرقة، الرياض 12544 6193،، عرقة، الرياض 12544،

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-066)

OKSB2209، 2209 علي آل مغامس، 8037، حي الجامعة،, Al-Kharj 16275،

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-068)

5H35+73 Al Batha

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-069)

JP66+M3M، شارع عبد الله بن عبد الرحمن، حي منفوحة, Utaiqah, Riyadh 12655

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-070)

7383 طريق عثمان بن عفان، حي 4670, Riyadh 13336

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-072)


+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-073)

HQR9+6Q3, Thoulab Ibn Hamad, Al Aziziyah, Riyadh 14514

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-074)

MJWX+3Q9, Umm Al Hamam St, Umm Al Hamam Al Gharbi, Riyadh 12328

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-076)

RQ7F+FMV, Ounaizah, Al Yarmuk, Riyadh 13243

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-077)

JQFG+69C, Southern Ring Branch Rd, Al-Manakh, Riyadh 14311

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-079)

طريق الرين،، بيشه, Burudan 19583

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-080)

CVFM+3F, Alrehab, Buraydah 52583

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-081)

GMM3+3HM, Dirab Branch Rd, Alhazm, Riyadh 14966

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-086)

3150 طريق الجبيل السريع الفرعي, Al Rawdah، 6374, Dammam 32256

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-097)

FPR5+HH, King Fahd, Madinah 42367

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-099)

QPC6+FR2, Al Izdihar, Riyadh 12485

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-105)

CASA4201، 4201 95, 9783, Khafji 39274

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-108)

FP85+FH5, Third Ring، الملك خالد, Madinah 42241

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-113 )

MP7J+55P، شارع الجامعة, Al Malaz, Riyadh 12642

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-115 )

2885 الوادي الأعلى, حي قرطبة, Riyadh 13248

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-090)

Al Nahdah, Yanbu

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-082)

Shuran, Madinah 42383

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-092)

شارع الإمام النسائي الفرعي, As Sikkah Al Hadid, Madinah 42357

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-107)

Shuran, Madinah 42383

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-109)

DMSA3897 8804، حي الدفاع، 3897 ابو الفرج الاصفهاني, Madinah 42375

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-098)

Ad Duwaimah, Madinah 42315

+966 920004611 LOCATE


DCJC2081، 2081 طريق القصيم القديم، 7894، حي العاقول, Madinah 42245

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-083)

FJ3C+936 Madinah

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-100)

CG9R+2PC, Umm Khalid, Madinah 42373

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-093)

Khamis Mushait

+966 920004611 LOCATE

( ST-087)

Khamis Mushait

+966 920004611 LOCATE


RQ7F+9HQ Al Yarmuk, Riyadh

+966 920004611 LOCATE


2F4R+6JC Al Osaibi

+966 920004611 LOCATE


PRV7+7R7 An Nasim Al Gharbi, Riyadh

+966 920004611 LOCATE


CPC6+2P6 Al Umran

+966 920004611 LOCATE

Speech of the Chairman of the Council

Salem Bin Yaslam Belobaid
(Chairman of the Council)

Life is difficult, but it is not impossible except for those whose failure fuels success. Our determination, persistence, and passion have always motivated us to be able to pioneers in providing all new and qualitative fuel-filling services and the accompanying service for the passenger and the vehicle. Since 1976 AD, we have been and still are keeping in mind the aspirations of our generous society, and as the beginnings are always small, and as the planting is. It starts with a seed What we are today looms on the horizon of our vision. Today, Petroly Company for Petroleum and Transportation Services is considered one of the leading companies with practical efforts to improve the sector of gas stations and service centers in the Kingdom, through its series of stations that exceed 140 stations spread on highways, regional roads, and within cities, accompanied by a modern fleet for transporting fuel that exceeds 120 trucks in accordance with its four-part value system, which is Trust, safety, quality and innovation in fulfillment of its promise to its customers: “Trustworthy petroleum on the road.”
This was our determination and determination to be in harmony with the Kingdom’s vision through the petroleum company transformation program and an effort to provide innovative, diversified, and integrated services and added values, achieving sustainable development of communities and customer confidence by providing a package of petroleum services, vehicle service centers, and retail facilities. According to the highest quality standards. Security, safety, health, and environment through the localization of professional competencies within a robust and effective institutional work system within the framework of balanced strategic strategic partnerships.
As we announce here, with the blessing of God Almighty, the launch of our new company identity, which we inaugurated in conjunction with our move to the company’s headquarters on Al-Mukarramah Road in the capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh. Continuing the path of the fathers. Renewing our pledge and commitment to trust and innovation, to achieve our vision: to be trustworthy on the road... to our partners... our customers... our suppliers... and our society.
This qualitative shift in the history of our company will be accompanied by many changes to keep pace with the spirit of the times and the requirements of life, whether on the human or technical level.
Petroli Company for Petroleum and Transportation Services announces today its modern launch, to renew the pledge with determination and determination to move forward and harness all our capabilities and leadership in developing petroleum stations.
Fuel and providing innovative services and advanced systems in a way that befits our generous society, in order to pump up the energy that we are all proud of in our beloved Kingdom.
In my name and in the name of all the company’s employees, we would like to invite you to learn here about the most prominent features and components of our new identity: Petroleum and trust on the road. Its proven record spans more than four decades of qualitative and innovative achievements and services that we provide to our clients - our success partners - and those whose services we always keep in mind.
To meet the aspirations of our customers wherever they are in this noble country. We ask God Almighty for success and payment for all.



Not yet, this service will be available soon.

  • Gasoline 91
  • Gasoline 95
  • diesel

Available but not in all our stations


It is strictly prohibited according to the instructions of the Ministry of Energy


Contact us

Contact number 920004611
Address 3579 Makkah Al Mukarramah Rd-Ar Rabawah Unit No 3502 Riyadh 12813-8261 King dom of saudi Arabia
Email info@petroly.com.sa